April 9, 2021
Rachel Muncrief
Categories: Fuel Efficiency
Last year I blogged about the difference between real-world emissions of heavy-duty vehicles (HDV) in the United States and the European Union. The takeaway: two very similar policies on paper can produce dramatically different outcomes in the real world.
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December 14, 2018
Rachel Muncrief
Categories: Air Quality
ICCT, Low Emission Zones, Urban
On December 13th 2018, the TRUE initiative hosted a one day symposium at the FIA Foundation offices in Trafalgar Square, London. Over 35 stakeholders participated (in person as well as remotely). Participants represented government agencies, NGOs, research institutes, and philanthropies. The purpose of the meeting was to learn what policies are being utilized by cities in Europe to tackle the issue of vehicle emissions and to discuss ways in which real-world emissions data can be utilized to support and improve these policies.
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