TRUE initiative presented at Eurocities conference in Finland

Tampere in Finland was the setting for the Eurocities Environment Forum meeting - “Low emission cities for cleaner air and climate mitigation”, at which representatives of over 30 cities gathered together to share experiences and hear from experts in the field of air quality and climate mitigation strategies.
Presenting TRUE as part of the opening plenary and in a subsequent workshop session, Sheila Watson, Deputy Director FIA Foundation, emphasised the usefulness of remote sensing data of vehicle emissions as part of a suite of evidence and inputs open to policymakers such as those in the room as they develop urban air quality measures. With levels of public interest and concern at a high and rising level, and with understanding of health impacts growing, clean air – and cleaner vehicles – are increasingly high on the agendas of city politicians.
Commenting on the contribution which TRUE is making, Sheila Watson said “FIA Foundation is supporting the work of the TRUE initiative, because it brings more data and greater transparency to the issue of what contribution vehicles are really making to the pollutants in our city air. This sort of data is essential to good policy, good consumer decisions and the fullest possible understanding of this pressing health issue.”